How to Plant Healthy Beautiful Carrots

When learning how to plant carrots, it is important to know that carrots grow best in cooler conditions. They can survive light frost and they are hardy. It is also moderately easy to grow carrots since they can grow well in most seasons like early spring, fall and even the winter seasons.

Carrots are considered as root crops. In fact, they are one of the most popularly grown root crops in the world. Not only that, they’re also the world’s most consumed root crops.

Originally, carrots are from the Mediterranean region. Right now, more and more people across the globe are learning how to plant carrots in their own backyards. Matter of fact, they’re biennial plants which can be treated like annuals once grown in the garden.

Though we picture carrots as long and orange, there are actually numerous varieties of carrots. They come in different shapes and colors. Due to this, most gardeners find it enjoyable to grow carrots with unique colors and shapes such as round, white and purple varieties. Despite the type, color and shape, carrots are well-loved for their health benefits such as having high quantities of Vitamin A.

Materials needed to plant carrots include compost makers, carrot seeds, fertilizers, garden trowels and garden spades as well as shovels, planting containers and mulch.

Step 1 – Select a location that has full sunlight. The soil should have a pH of 5.8 to 6.8 and should be light.

Step 2 – Dig a hole with a depth of around 12 inches. Then, take out all traces of rocks as well as other debris. Keep in mind that even a small-sized twig can injure the tip of a growing carrot. It can stunt the root or make it fork-like.

Step 3 – Put lots of organic matter as it can lighten heavy soils as well as increase moisture retention for sandy varieties. When grown in moist soil, carrots can become sweeter and less fibrous.

Step 4 – Carrot seeds should be directly sown about 2 to 3 weeks prior to the last expected frost in the cool regions. For those in warm climates, the best time is during spring, winter or fall.

Step 5 – You can speed germination by soaking the seeds in water for about 6 hours prior to planting. If you don’t do this, germination will normally take 10 or more days.

Step 6 – To capture the warmth of the sun, early sowings should be shallow. Then, spring seeds along the soil surface. Next, gently tamp them and cover them using a thin layer of compost (finely sifted). However, if you plan to plant carrots at a later time when the soil is already warm, seeds should be planted about inch deep.

Step 7 – Before the tops entwine, thin the seedlings. You do this by gently pulling the roots or by clipping off the greens using a pair of scissors. Depending on the variety, allow about 3 to 4 inch spacing between carrots.

Step 8 – Spray your young plants with compost tea. This can ensure good growth. Then, you can deter the weeds as well as retain moisture by mulching with compost. Young plants require an inch of water per week. For plants nearing maturity, you can already cut back on water consumption.

Step 9 – when the carrots turn orange, you can start harvesting them.

To know the best ways on how to plant carrots and useful information as well as tips on how to grow carrots visit GrowGuides.Net and HowToPlant.Net today.

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