The Guide To Growing Carrots

When it comes to making a choice to grow foods, building a vegetable garden in your backyard and planting carrots is a no-brainer.

Carrots are one of the most famous crops grown all over the world. It grows best in cooler weather conditions. It can easily survive a bit of cold temperature. So, you can get started with the plantation in the spring season. This crop was originally grown in the Mediterranean region. Everyone knows that carrots are quite good for health. So, it is better to grow them in your backyard and consume them with the whole family. Further in this article, we are going to talk about the process of growing carrots.

Carrots grow best in the temperatures from 60 to 70 degree Fahrenheit. It contains a large amount of vitamin A.


You need to choose a site that gets a lot of sunshine. The soil should be light with a pH value of not more than 6.8.

When to Plant

The best time to plant such seeds in the spring season. You need to take help from a professional gardener. Otherwise you might end up on the losing side.

How to Plant

You need to dig the soil at least 12 inches deep. You need to put in a lot of manure in to the soil. This should be done in order to protect the crop against all types of pests. Carrots grow best in moist soil.

All the seedlings should be 2 inches away from each other. Otherwise they might get damaged. Germination of seeds is really essential for you. You just need to soak the seeds in some water overnight.

Harvesting and Storage

As soon as the carrots reach medium size and look matured you need to dig them up. I must tell you that matured carrots are really tasty. However, you need to pull them up as quickly as possible. You need to preserve their quality by harvesting them in the best possible way. Once you have harvested them you need to store them in your refrigerator. You can use frozen or canned carrots as well.

Protection Against Pests

I would like to bring this to your knowledge that you can make use of row covers in order to protect your carrot seed from rust flies and weevils. You also need to avoid hairy roots. Now, let us discuss a few tips that would help you grow carrots in the best possible way.

– You need to keep the soil as moist as possible. It should be done for at least 10 days regularly.

– You also need to reduce weed competition.

– Harvest carefully so that the other plants don’t get damaged.

– You can make use of drip irrigation methods in this regard.

So, these are some of the crucial tips that would help you in generating the best possible results for growing carrots. You need to follow them carefully, and if you really want to enjoy tasty carrot then you must plant it in your own backyard vegetable garden.

For more information on growing carrots [], visit, a premier information website on how to grow foods [].

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